
POR FESR 2014-2020 – azione 1.1.5 sub-azione a1 – Bando 2 “Progetti di ricerca e sviluppo delle MPMI”.

Periodo di realizzazione del progetto: settembre 2020/ in corso
Importo progetto: € 1.219.160,00
Tasso di cofinanziamento dell’Unione: 35%
Unità locale presso cui sono state realizzate le spese oggetto del progetto: SCARPERIA E SAN PIERO Via Nilde Iotti 7 (FI)
Paese: Italia

Progetto finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020”

Project title:

New products for diagnosis and therapy of IgE-mediated allergic disease caused by Bombus Terrestris

Acronym: BOMBO-2130

The project it’s based on the consideration of the “life-saving” role of Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) specific immunotherapy for this venom allergy (VIT or venom immunotheraphy).

Despite some allergenic similarities with venoms of other hymenoptera of the same subfamily (Apis Mellifera) and the consequent analogous clinical manifestation, the two venoms require different specific therapies, especially for professionally exposed subjects.

The Italian drug agency, AIFA, has recognized the status of "unmet clinical need" for the IgE-mediated disease caused by Bombus terrestris. The Guideline of Tuscany Region government also indicates that Bombus and Apis, although belonging to the same family, do not contain identical allergens and therefore subjects with occupational anaphylaxis must be treated with bumblebee venom VIT.

The first Objective is the "Product Innovation", achieved through the study and development of new products for the diagnosis and the therapy of IgE-mediated allergic disease caused by Bombus terrestris. The innovation is related to raw materials selection, intermediate and finished good production process and the development of specific analytical method for production ad quality control.

ANALLERGO® has an important know-how based on the experience in the production of diagnostic and therapeutic hymenoptera products.

 The critical steps of the hymenoptera production process have been identified and Anallergo is going to develop new and innovative approach based on Industry 4.0 paradigms.

 The second Objective is the "Process Innovation" and involve the introduction of automatic control systems in the production and quality control phases.

Gli interventi di “Innovazione di processo” previsti nel secondo Obiettivo, hanno lo scopo di introdurre sistemi di controllo automatico in alcune fasi critiche di produzione e controllo qualità.